Meet Robyn Litt

Robyn Litt always has her nose in some book, whether she’s reading one or writing one! Robyn’s favorite past-time  has to be future character hunting. Whether it’s lurking in crowded grocery aisles, eavesdropping on conversations, imagining nonhuman objects with feelings, or spying on her students (in a good way), she’s always on the lookout for the next everyday hero. Underdogs rule in her stories, along with impulsive, quirky, and likeable kids who find themselves knee deep in challenges that will take an army of friends to conquer together. Having moved many times when she was younger, Robyn now calls San Diego, California home. She and her partner, Guillermo, have a blended family of six children (adults now), seven grandchildren, two grand-dogs, and a grand-kitten.  

  •  Most Promising Manuscript – SCBWI, San Diego Mayfest 2023 for The Argyle Dilemma

  • Membership of SCBWI and SDWEG

  • UCSD Children’s Writing and Illustration Certificate

  • Master’s degree in Curriculum Development – CSUSM

  • Bachelor’s degree in English – NDSU